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read-only static page (web 1.0) versus user-editable dynamic content (web 2.0)

Published 2015-11-30T20:30:00.001Z by Physics Derivation Graph

I recently found a use case for user-editable dynamic web content, which is a significant shift from the previous use case of read-only static web pages. I've spent the day exploring how to enable user-editable dynamic content using Flask as a web framework.

I realized that d3js is a distractingly pretty interface for the static graph, but it doesn't move me towards's intuitive interface. My Flask-based interface for dynamic content is driven by conventional form-based input. While this would accomplish the functionality, it's not as sexy as EquationMap.

There remains important work to be done with the static read-only content, namely a "zoom" interface which connects the concept map to specific derivations.

Update 20151207: a generated "overview" concept map showing the relations between derivations was created