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milestones on the path to a live website

Published 2020-04-18T21:36:00Z by Physics Derivation Graph

For the past few weeks I've always has "just a few more things" prior to me making the Physics Derivation Graph website live. As I progress, I keep adding more tasks that are necessary. This post is an effort to at least measure the scope creep.

For me to feel comfortable with making the website live, the ordered list of tasks is

  1. input multiple novel derivations to ensure the workflow is sensical, bug-free, and efficient
  2. aggregate logs from Nginx, gunicorn, flask
  3. implement sign-in capability
  4. perform security checks and web form fuzzing
  5. buy a domain
  6. sign in with Google
I don't have a timeline for these milestones.

Update 20200512: all these steps are completed