Latex math expressions that case Sympy's Latex parser to fail
Published 2020-08-12T17:41:00.001Z by Physics Derivation Graph
$ git clone $ cd proofofconcept/v7_pickle_web_interface/flask $ make dockerlive $ python >>> import sympy >>> sympy.__version__ '1.5.1' >>> from sympy.parsing.latex import parse_latex >>> import json >>> with open('data.json') as json_file: ... dat = json.load(json_file) >>> for expr_id, expr_dict in dat['expressions'].items(): ... print(expr_dict['latex']) >>> for expr_id, expr_dict in dat['expressions'].items(): try: x = parse_latex(expr_dict['latex']) except Exception as er: print('expr ID =', expr_id) print(er)
Using that approach, I found the following problems in the current (valid) Latex expressions used in the Physics Derivation Graph.
Subscripts with spaces
expr ID = 8871333437 I don't understand this PE_{\rm Earth\ surface} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
expr ID = 7053449926 I don't understand this r_{\rm geostationary\ orbit} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
Use of "\left."
expr ID = 0439492440 I don't understand this \frac{1}{a^2} = \frac{1}{2}W - \frac{1}{2}\left. \frac{W}{2n\pi}\sin\left(\frac{2n\pi}{W} x\right) \right|_0^W ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
expr ID = 4662369843 I don't understand this x' = \gamma (x - v t) ~^ expr ID = 2983053062 I don't understand this x = \gamma (x' + v t') ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ expr ID = 3426941928 I don't understand this x = \gamma ( \gamma (x - v t) + v t' ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
Comma in subscript
expr ID = 9973952056 I expected something else here -g t = v_y - v_{0, y} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ expr ID = 7391837535 I expected something else here \cos(\theta) = \frac{v_{0, x}}{v_0} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ expr ID = 8949329361 I expected something else here v_0 \sin(\theta) = v_{0, y} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
expr ID = 3920616792 I don't understand this T_{\rm geostationary orbit} = 24\ {\rm hours} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
Much greater than
expr ID = 9674924517 I don't understand this K >> G ~~~^