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how I validate changes and deploy updates to website

Published 2021-07-25T17:58:00.001Z by Physics Derivation Graph

On my local server, I make changes to the local file and then validate using
cd ~/version_controlled/allofphysicsgraph/proofofconcept/v7_pickle_web_interface
docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans
Build time is 10 minutes when layers are not cached.

Check the result in a local web browser by visiting http://localhost If I'm happy with the content,
git add filename
git commit -m "a message"
git push
SSH to the DigitalOcean droplet VPS (virtual private server)
cd ~/proofofconcept/v7_pickle_web_interface
git pull
docker-compose up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans --detach
Check the live page content at